Amber Possell

Credentials: BS, RDMS, RVT, RT(R)

Position title: Research Sonographer


Headshot of Amber Possel

Amber has been a Sonographer for 22 years. She trained at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN for her Certificate of Ultrasound and got her Bachelors Degree from the University of St. Francis. Amber has worked in many different arms of the ultrasound community scanning clinically, working in industry and now in research. Amber has been involved with multiple research projects and loves being able to work with multiple groups of people to bring research projects to light.

Hobbies: Amber spends all her time going to her 5 kids sporting events, hanging out with their 3 dogs or trying to travel to cool places around the world

Favorite Quote: “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” -Oscar Wilde